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2011年7月25日 星期一

Tennis Racquet

Head Flexpoint Prestige Team

Head Size: 102 sq. in. / 658 sq. cm.
Length: 27 inches / 69 cm
Strung Weight: 10.9oz / 309g
Balance: Even Balance
Swingweight: 324
Stiffness: 57
Beam Width: 21 mm Straight Beam
Composition: LiquidMetal Titanium & Graphite
Power Level: Low
Swing Speed: Fast
Grip Type: HydroSorb
String Pattern: 18 Mains / 19 Crosses
Mains skip: 8T,10T,9H
One Piece
No shared holes
String Tension: 52-62

2011年5月26日 星期四

America's most dangerous cities

Earlier this week, the FBI trumpeted the news that violent crime dropped 5.5% in 2010 while reported property crimes fell 2.8% during the depths of the worst economic slowdown since the Great Depression. The news, though, is far from positive.
Though most regions of the U.S. saw declines, the Northeast saw an increase in murders (8.3%), forcible rapes (1.4%) and aggravated assaults (0.7%). Why that region was affected by crime more than others isn't clear. Perhaps it was because of the grinding poverty found in some of the area's cities and their high cost of living.
More from 24/7 Wall St.: 

• 10 States That Make the Most From Sin

• 10 States Where Pensions Are Running Out of Money

• Cities With Best, Worst Public Transportation
The Police Executive Research Forum polled 233 local law enforcement agencies in 2009, and found that the link between poverty and crime was inextricable. A prolonged recession would only make matters worse, the research showed. After reviewing the data, PERF Executive Director Chuck Wexler told Reuters, "We are not saying there is going to be a crime wave, but we are saying this is a wake-up call and we anticipate the situation will continue to deteriorate."
A 24/7 Wall St. review of 2010 FBI crime datashows violent crime rose in several of the largest and poorest cities in the U.S., particularly those which have been in decline for some time. Even when crime rates dropped, older urban areas still had more violent crime than other cities. Philadelphia, Cleveland, Buffalo and Hartford finished high on the FBI's list but failed to make the final 24/7 Wall St. ranking.
The crime problem is not completely explained by crimes committed. Police forces are supposed to keep crime rates down, but officers have begun to disappear from the streets of some large cities. Pontiac, Mich., part of the corridor of high crime cities that runs from Detroit to Flint, recently turned over its police operations to the sheriff's office of Oakland Country, where Pontiac is located. Old industrial towns need to cut costs as populations fall and tax receipts recede, but the money trouble almost makes it certain that criminal activity will grow because it is mostly unchecked.
24/7 Wall St. looked at the ten most crime-plagued cities in the U.S. with populations of more than 100,000. We used a measurement of crimes per thousand people which is part of the new FBI database to determine the order. We compared these figures to unemployment rates and median income. The recession may have ended, but crime has not eased in these troubled cities nor will it anytime soon.
Our list is dominated by towns like Detroit, New Haven, and Baltimore. Parts of these cities are fortresses of crime. Much of the violent crime in Detroit is committed in the old Palmer Avenue section of the city, which is far from the shiny skyscrapers where GM has its headquarters. Baltimore's Front Street neighborhood is a world away from the new office towers of companies like financial giant T Rowe Price on Pratt Street. The crime-plagued Lamar Avenue section of Memphis is also far from the city's ritzy neighborhoods.
Unemployment will inevitably improve in these cities. The most hard-hit sections, however, may never completely recover. They failed to do so after the last economic upswing -- and the one before that. Some part of all the cities on this list will be home to high levels of violent crime permanently. And, if the money used to keep police on the streets falls in most of these municipalities, containing the problem to a few neighborhoods will be hard. It would be nice to believe that criminals sit out a recovery, but they don't.
These are America's 10 Most Dangerous Cities:
1. Flint, Mich.
Population: 109,245
Violent Crime Per 1,000: 22 
2010 Murders: 53 
Median Income: $27,049 (46.1% below national average) 
Unemployment Rate: 11.8% (2.8% above national average)
The number of violent crimes committed in Flint increased for all categories considered for this list between 2009 and 2010. Perhaps most notably, the number of murders in the city increased from 36 to 53. This moves the city from having the seventh highest rate of homicide to the second highest. The number of aggravated assaults increased from 1,529 to 1,579, a rate of 14.6 assaults per 1,000 residents, placing the city in the No. 1 rank for rate of assaults. Flint police chief Alvern Lock stated late last year that he believed the city's violence stemmed from drugs and gangs. Flint has a relatively small median income of about $27,000 per household. The city also has a poverty rate of 36.2%.
2. Detroit
Population: 899,447
Violent Crime Per 1,000: 18.9
2010 Murders: 310
Median Income: $26,098 (48% below national average)
Unemployment Rate: 12.7% (3.7% above national average)
The city crippled the most in America's post-industrial era is almost certainly Detroit. The Motor City has suffered from high rates of unemployment, homelessness, and crime. The city has one of the ten highest rates for three of the four types of violent crime identified by the FBI. Detroit has the sixth highest murder rate, the fifth highest robbery rate, and the second highest rate of aggravated assault. In 2005, a major reorganization of the city's police department took place after a federal investigation identified inefficiencies within the system. According to an article in The United Press, opponents of Detroit Mayor David Bing called for further intervention by the Justice Department in several shootings that occurred last year.
3. St. Louis
Population: 355,151
Violent Crime Per 1,000: 17.5
2010 Murders: 144
Median Income: $34,801 (30.7% below national average)
Unemployment Rate: 9.3% (0.3% above national average)
Violent crime in St. Louis fell dramatically between 2009 and 2010, and has decreased since 2007. Despite this, crime rates remain extremely high compared with other cities. In 2010, the city's murder rate and rate of aggravated assault were each the third worst in the country. With regards to both violent and nonviolent crime, St. Louis was rated the most dangerous city based on FBI data released six months ago. As of December 2010, the murder rate in St. Louis was 6.3 times that of the state of Missouri. The city's gunshot murder rate for residents between 10 to 19 years old is also the second highest in the country, behind only New Orleans, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
4. New Haven, Conn.
Population: 124,856
Violent Crime Per 1,000: 15.8
2010 Murders: 22
Median Income: $38,279 (23.8% below national average)
Unemployment Rate: 9.6% (0.6% above national average)
New Haven has historically had the highest rate of violent crime on the east coast. The impoverished, crime-ridden parts of the city stand in stark contrast to affluent Fairfield county to the West, and elite Yale University, which is located within the city itself. The number of murders in the city doubled last year. New Haven has the eighth highest rate of robbery and the fourth highest rate of assault in the U.S. The New Haven Police Department is considering adding cameras at every intersection in one of the neighborhoods where shootings are the most common.
5. Memphis, Tenn.
Population: 673,650
Violent Crime Per 1,000: 15.4
2010 Murders: 89
Median Income: $34,203 (31.8% below national average)
Unemployment Rate: 9.9% (0.9% above national average)
Memphis has high rates for all the violent crimes considered for 24/7 Wall St.'s rankings. It has the sixth highest rate in the country. Incidents of violent crime in the city dropped slightly less than 15% between 2009 and 2010 though. Memphis Mayor AC Wharton attributes this decrease to Operation Safe Community, a citywide plan developed in 2005. The plan consists of a number of strategies meant to increase crime prevention, through toughening punishments for criminals, and the effectiveness of the city's legal system, through changes such as expanding court programs so that they operate consistently and at full capacity.
6. Oakland, Calif.
Population: 409,723
Violent Crime Per 1,000: 15.3
2010 Murders: 90
Median Income: $51,473 (2.4% above national average)
Unemployment Rate: 11% (2% above national average)
Oakland's violent crime dropped about 5.5% between 2009 and 2010, from about 6,800 to 6,260. The city nevertheless has the tenth-highest rate of rape, the ninth-highest murder rate, and the second highest robbery rate in the country. In 2010, there were 7.12 robberies for every 1,000 Oakland residents. According to an article in the San Francisco Chronicle, Mayor Jean Quan has attempted to combat break-ins and theft by creating programs to keep potential wrongdoers off the streets by starting late-night basketball programs. It it unclear if these policies have worked.
7. Little Rock, Ark.
Population: 192,922
Violent Crime Per 1,000: 15.2
2010 Murders: 25
Median Income: $38,992 (22.3% below national average)
Unemployment Rate: 6.8% (2.2% below national average)
Little Rock has one of the highest rates of aggravated assault and forcible rape in the country. Since 2009, reported assaults has increased while reported forcible rapes have decreased. According to Lt. Terry Hastings of the Little Rock Police Department, quoted by local station FOX16, Little Rock was "down almost 12 percent across the board on crime" in 2010. This may be accurate for many crimes, and especially nonviolent crimes, however, according to FBI data, violent crime increased from 2009 to 2010.
8. Baltimore
Population: 639,929
Violent Crime Per 1,000: 14.6
2010 Murders: 223
Median Income: $38,772 (22.7% below national average)
Unemployment Rate: 7.4% (1.6% below national average)
Baltimore had the eighth-highest rate of violent crime per capita in 2010 among cities with 100,000 or more residents, and the second-highest east of the Mississippi. The number of violent crimes has dropped slightly in the past year -- from 9,600 to 9,300 -- but the Maryland city has some of the worst rates of dangerous offenses in the country. This includes the tenth-worst aggravated assault rate -- and the fourth-worst murder rate in the country.
9. Rockford, Ill.
Population: 156,180
Violent Crime Per 1,000: 14.5
2010 Murders: 20
Median Income: $36,990 (26% below national average)
Unemployment Rate: 13.3% (4.3% above national average)
Rockford has unusually high violent crime rates for a city of its size. Most notably, the city has the fourth highest rate of aggravated assault in the country, with 10.5 cases for every 1,000 citizens in 2010. During the same period, 20 murders occurred, almost double the number in 2000. Quoted by the Rockford Register Star in 2007, Winnebago County Sheriff Dick Meyers said that he believed the city's "location worked against [it,]" as Rockford receives traffic from the drug markets in Madison, Chicago, and Milwaukee, resulting in heightened rates of violence.
10. Stockton, Calif.
Population: 292,047
Violent Crime Per 1,000: 13.8
2010 Murders: 49
Median Income: $45,730 (8.9% below national average)
Unemployment Rate: 18.4% (9.4% above national average)
With a jobless rate of 18.4%, up from 18.1% a year ago, Stockton, California has one of the worst unemployment problems in the country. The huge percentage of unemployed residents may have contributed to horrible crime rates in the city, which is located 40 miles east of Oakland and San Francisco. Stockton was rated one of the most miserable cities to live in the country by Forbes in March, 2010. Violent crime was one of the chief measurements for its ranking. Of the 267 cities with populations over 100,000, Stockton has the 27th highest number of murders per 1,000 people and the 12th most aggravated assaults per 1,000. Last year, recognizing the crime problems in the city, the state temporarily diverted hundreds of California Highway Patrol officers to aid the city's overwhelmed police department.

2011年2月10日 星期四

原價屋電腦Coolpc CPU列表

AMD 桌上型專用 CPU 位元 時脈 核心 腳位 代號 製程 內頻 倍頻 HTs L2快取 L3快取 電壓
Phenom II X6 1100T 黑盒版 64 3.3G (3.7G)* 6 AM3 Thuban 45 200 16.5 2000 512K x6 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X6 1090T 黑盒版 64 3.2G (3.6G)* 6 AM3 Thuban 45 200 16 2000 512K x6 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X6 1075T 64 3.0G (3.5G)* 6 AM3 Thuban 45 200 15 2000 512K x6 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X6 1065T 64 2.9G (3.4G)* 6 AM3 Thuban 45 200 14.5 2000 512K x6 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X6 1055T 64 2.8G (3.3G)* 6 AM3 Thuban 45 200 14 2000 512K x6 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X6 1045T 64 2.7G (3.2G)* 6 AM3 Thuban 45 200 13.5 2000 512K x6 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X6 1035T 64 2.6G (3.1G)* 6 AM3 Thuban 45 200 13 2000 512K x6 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X4 975 黑盒版 64 3.6G 4 AM3 Deneb 45 200 18 3600 512K x4 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X4 970 黑盒版 64 3.5G 4 AM3 Deneb 45 200 17.5 3600 512K x4 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X4 965 黑盒版 64 3.4G 4 AM3 Deneb 45 200 17 3600 512K x4 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X4 955 黑盒版 64 3.2G 4 AM3 Deneb 45 200 16 3600 512K x4 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X4 945 64 3.0G 4 AM3 Deneb 45 200 15 3600 512K x4 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X4 925 64 2.8G 4 AM3 Deneb 45 200 14 3600 512K x4 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X4 910e (65W) 64 2.6G 4 AM3 Deneb 45 200 13 3600 512K x4 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X4 905e (65W) 64 2.5G 4 AM3 Deneb 45 200 12.5 3600 512K x4 6MB 0.875-1.5v
Phenom II X4 950 64 3.1G 4 AM2+ Deneb 45 200 15.5 3600 512K x4 6MB 1.0-1.35v
Phenom II X4 940 64 3.0G 4 AM2+ Deneb 45 200 15 3600 512K x4 6MB 1.0-1.35v
Phenom II X4 920 64 2.8G 4 AM2+ Deneb 45 200 14 3600 512K x4 6MB 1.0-1.35v
Phenom II X4 810 64 2.6G 4 AM3 Deneb 45 200 13 2000 512K x4 4MB 0.875-1.425v
Phenom II X4 805 64 2.5G 4 AM3 Deneb 45 200 12.5 2000 512K x3 4MB 0.875-1.425v
Phenom II X3 740 64 3.0G 3 AM3 Heka 45 200 15 2000 512K x3 6MB 0.875-1.425v
Phenom II X3 720 64 2.8G 3 AM3 Heka 45 200 14 2000 512K x3 6MB 0.875-1.425v
Phenom II X3 710 64 2.6G 3 AM3 Heka 45 200 13 2000 512K x3 6MB 0.875-1.425v
Phenom II X2 555 黑盒版 64 3.2G 2 AM3 Callisto 45 200 16 2000 512K x2 6MB 1.296v
Phenom II X2 550 黑盒版 64 3.1G 2 AM3 Callisto 45 200 15.5 2000 512K x2 6MB 1.296v
Phenom II X2 545 64 3.0G 2 AM3 Callisto 45 200 15 2000 512K x2 6MB 1.296v
Athlon II X4 650 64 3.2G 4 AM3 Rana 45 200 16 3600 512K x4 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X4 645 64 3.1G 4 AM3 Rana 45 200 15.5 3600 512K x4 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X4 640 64 3.0G 4 AM3 Rana 45 200 15 3600 512K x4 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X4 635 64 2.9G 4 AM3 Rana 45 200 14.5 3600 512K x4 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X4 630 64 2.8G 4 AM3 Rana 45 200 14 3600 512K x4 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X4 620 64 2.6G 4 AM3 Rana 45 200 13 3600 512K x4 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X3 455 64 3.3G 3 AM3 Rana 45 200 16.5 3600 512K x3 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X3 450 64 3.2G 3 AM3 Rana 45 200 16 3600 512K x3 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X3 445 64 3.1G 3 AM3 Rana 45 200 15.5 3600 512K x3 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X3 440 64 3.0G 3 AM3 Rana 45 200 15 3600 512K x3 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X3 435 64 2.9G 3 AM3 Rana 45 200 14.5 3600 512K x3 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X3 425 64 2.7G 3 AM3 Rana 45 200 13.5 3600 512K x3 0.925v-1.425v
Athlon II X2 265 64 3.3G 2 AM3 Regoro 45 200 16.5 2000 1M x2 1.312v
Athlon II X2 260 64 3.2G 2 AM3 Regoro 45 200 16 2000 1M x2 1.312v
Athlon II X2 255 64 3.1G 2 AM3 Regoro 45 200 15.5 2000 1M x2 1.312v
Athlon II X2 250 64 3.0G 2 AM3 Regoro 45 200 15 2000 1M x2 1.312v
Athlon II X2 245 64 2.9G 2 AM3 Regoro 45 200 14.5 2000 1M x2 1.312v
Athlon II X2 240 64 2.8G 2 AM3 Regoro 45 200 14 2000 1M x2 1.312v
Phenom X4 9950 黑盒版 64 2.6G 4 AM2+ Agena 65 200 13 3600 512K x4 1.3v
Phenom X4 9850 黑盒版 64 2.5G 4 AM2+ Agena 65 200 12.5 3600 512K x4 1.3v
Phenom X4 9850 64 2.5G 4 AM2+ Agena 65 200 12 3600 512K x4 1.3v
Phenom X4 9750 64 2.4G 4 AM2+ Agena 65 200 12 3600 512K x4 1.3v
Phenom X4 9650 64 2.3G 4 AM2+ Agena 65 200 11.5 3600 512K x4 1.3v
Phenom X4 9600 黑盒版 64 2.3G 4 AM2+ Agena 65 200 11.5 3600 512K x4 1.3v
Phenom X4 9600 64 2.3G 4 AM2+ Agena 65 200 11.5 3600 512K x4 1.3v
Phenom X4 9550 64 2.2G 4 AM2+ Agena 65 200 11 3600 512K x4 1.3v
Phenom X4 9500 64 2.2G 4 AM2+ Agena 65 200 11 3600 512K x4 1.3v
Phenom X3 8750 64 2.4G 3 AM2+ Toloman 65 200 12 3600 512K x3 1.3v
Phenom X3 8650 64 2.3G 3 AM2+ Toloman 65 200 11.5 3600 512K x3 1.3v
Phenom X3 8600 64 2.3G 3 AM2+ Toloman 65 200 11.5 3600 512K x3 1.3v
Phenom X3 8450 64 2.1G 3 AM2+ Toloman 65 200 10.5 3600 512K x3 1.3v
Phenom X3 8400 64 2.1G 3 AM2+ Toloman 65 200 10.5 3600 512K x3 1.3v
Athlon64 FX-62 64 2.8G 2 AM2 Windsor 65 200 14 2000 1M x2 1.4v
Opteron 1210 64 1.8G 2 AM2 Santa Ana 65 200 9 2000 1M x2 1.4v
Athlon X2 4850e 64 2.5G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 12.5 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon X2 4450e 64 2.3G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 11.5 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon X2 4050e 64 2.1G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 10.5 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon X2 BE-2400 64 2.3G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 11.5 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon X2 BE-2350 64 2.1G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 10.5 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon X2 BE-2300 64 1.9G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 9.5 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon64 X2-7850 64 2.8G 2 AM2+ Kuma 65 200 14 3600 512Kx 2 2MB 1.4v
Athlon64 X2-7750 黑盒版 64 2.7G 2 AM2+ Kuma 65 200 13.5 3600 512K x2 2MB 1.4v
Athlon64 X2-6400+ 64 3.2G 2 AM2 Windsor 65 200 16 2000 1Mx 2 1.4v
Athlon64 X2-6000+ 64 3.1G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 15.5 2000 512K x2 1.4v
Athlon64 X2-6000+ 64 3.0G 2 AM2 Windsor 90 200 15 2000 1M x2 1.4v
Athlon64 X2-5600+ 64 2.9G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 14.5 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon64 X2-5600+ 64 2.8G 2 AM2 Windsor 90 200 14 2000 1M x2 1.4v
Athlon64 X2-5400+ 64 2.8G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 14 2000 512K x2 1.3v
Athlon64 X2-5200+ 64 2.7G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 13.5 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon64 X2-5200+ 64 2.6G 2 AM2 Windsor 90 200 13 2000 1M x2 1.4v
Athlon64 X2-5000+ 64 2.6G 2 AM2 Windsor 90 200 13 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon64 X2-4800+ 64 2.5G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 12.5 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon64 X2-4800+ 64 2.4G 2 AM2 Windsor 90 200 12 2000 1M x2 1.4v
Athlon64 X2-4600+ 64 2.4G 2 AM2 Windsor 90 200 12 2000 2x512k 1.35v
Athlon64 X2-4400+ 64 2.2G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 11.5 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon64 X2-4400+ 64 2.2G 2 AM2 Windsor 90 200 11 2000 1M x2 1.4v
Athlon64 X2-4200+ 64 2.2G 2 AM2 Windsor 90 200 11 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon64 X2-4000+ 64 2.1G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 10 2000 512Kx2 1.35v
Athlon64 X2-4000+ 64 2.0G 2 AM2 Windsor 90 200 10 2000 1M x2 1.48v
Athlon64 X2-3800+ 64 2.0G 2 AM2 Windsor 90 200 10 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon64 X2-3600+ 64 1.9G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 9.5 2000 512K x2 1.35v
Athlon64 3800+ 64 2.4G 1 AM2 Orleans 90 200 12 1000 512K 1.48v
Athlon64 3500+ 64 2.2G 1 AM2 Orleans 90 200 11 1000 512K 1.48v
Athlon64 3200+ 64 2.0G 1 AM2 Orleans 90 200 10 1000 512K 1.48v
Athlon64 3000+ 64 1.8G 1 AM2 Orleans 90 200 9 1000 512K 1.48v
Sempron 2100+ (G2) 64 1.8G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 11.5 800 256K x2 1.20-1.40v
Sempron 2100+ 64 1.8G 2 AM2 Brisbane 65 200 11 800 256K x2 1.20-1.40v
Sempron LE-1300 (G2) 64 2.3G 1 AM2 Sparta 65 200 11.5 800 512K 1.20-1.40v
Sempron LE-1250 (G2) 64 2.2G 1 AM2 Sparta 65 200 11 800 512K 1.20-1.40v
Sempron LE-1200 (G2) 64 2.1G 1 AM2 Sparta 65 200 10.5 800 512K 1.20-1.40v
Sempron LE-1150 64 2.0G 1 AM2 Sparta 65 200 10 800 256K 1.20-1.40v
Sempron LE-1100 64 1.9G 1 AM2 Sparta 65 200 9.5 800 256K 1.20-1.40v
Sempron 3800+ 64 2.2G 1 AM2 Manila 90 200 11 800 256K 1.25-1.40v
Sempron 3600+ 64 2.0G 1 AM2 Manila 90 200 10 800 256K 1.25-1.40v
Sempron 3500+ 64 2.0G 1 AM2 Manila 90 200 10 800 128K 1.25-1.40v
Sempron 3400+ 64 1.8G 1 AM2 Manila 90 200 10 800 256K 1.25-1.40v
Sempron 3200+ 64 1.8G 1 AM2 Manila 90 200 9 800 128K 1.25-1.40v
Sempron 3000+ 64 1.6G 1 AM2 Manila 90 200 8 800 256K 1.25-1.40v
Sempron 2800+ 64 1.6G 1 AM2 Manila 90 200 8 800 128K 1.25-1.40v
Athlon64-FX60 64 2.6G 2 939 Toledo 90 200 13 1000 1M x2 1.4V
Athlon64-FX57 64 2.8G 1 939 San Diego 90 200 14 1000 1M 1.4V
Athlon64-FX55 64 2.6G 1 939 San Diego 90 200 13 1000 1M 1.40v
Opteron-185 64 2.6G 2 939 Toledo 90 200 13 1000 1M x2 1.35v
Opteron-180 64 2.4G 2 939 Toledo 90 200 12 1000 1M x2 1.35v
Opteron-175 64 2.2G 2 939 Toledo 90 200 11 1000 1M x2 1.35v
Opteron-170 64 2.0G 2 939 Toledo 90 200 10 1000 1M x2 1.35v
Opteron-165 64 1.8G 2 939 Toledo 90 200 9 1000 1M x2 1.35v
Opteron-154 64 2.8G 1 939 Toledo 90 200 14 1000 1M 1.35v
Opteron-152 64 2.6G 1 939 Toledo 90 200 13 1000 1M 1.35v
Opteron-150 64 2.4G 1 939 Toledo 90 200 12 1000 1M 1.35v
Opteron-148 64 2.2G 1 939 Toledo 90 200 11 1000 1M 1.35v
Opteron-146 64 2.0G 1 939 Toledo 90 200 10 1000 1M 1.35v
Opteron-144 64 1.8G 1 939 Toledo 90 200 9 1000 1M 1.35v
Athlon64 X2 4800+ 64 2.4G 2 939 Toledo 90 200 12 1000 1Mx2 1.3v
Athlon64 X2 4600+ 64 2.4G 2 939 Manchester 90 200 12 1000 512K x2 1.3v
Athlon64 X2 4400+ 64 2.2G 2 939 Toledo 90 200 11 1000 1M x2 1.3v
Athlon64 X2 4200+ 64 2.2G 2 939 Manchester 90 200 11 1000 512K x2 1.3v
Athlon64 X2 3800+ 64 1.8G 2 939 Manchester 90 200 9 1000 512k x2 1.3v
Athlon64 4000+ 64 2.4G 1 939 Clawhammer .13 200 12 1000 1M 1.50v
Athlon64-3800+ 64 2.4G 1 939 Venice 90 200 12 1000 512K 1.40v
Athlon64-3700+ 64 2.2G 1 939 Venice 90 200 11 1000 1M 1.40v
Athlon64-3500+ 64 2.2G 1 939 Venice 90 200 11 1000 512K 1.40v
Athlon64-3200+ 64 2.0G 1 939 Venice 90 200 10 1000 512K 1.40v
Athlon64-3000+ 64 1.8G 1 939 Venice 90 200 9 1000 512K 1.40v
Sempron LE-1300 64 2.0G 1 754 Venice 90 200 10 800 256K 1.40v
Sempron 3300+ 64 2.0G 1 754 Venice 90 200 10 800 128K 1.40v
Sempron 3100+ 64 1.8G 1 754 Venice 90 200 9 800 256K 1.40v
Sempron 3000+ 64 1.8G 1 754 Venice .13 200 9 800 128K 1.40v
Sempron 3400+ 64 2.0G 1 754 Palermo 90 200 10 800 256K 1.40v
Sempron 3300+ 64 2.0G 1 754 Palermo 90 200 10 800 128K 1.40v
Sempron 3100+ 64 1.8G 1 754 Palermo 90 200 9 800 256K 1.40v
Sempron 3000+ 64 1.8G 1 754 Palermo 130 200 9 800 128K 1.40v

*時脈後面"括弧"裡標示的為 Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology 此技術可使CPU為單核運作時自動提高的最高時脈
Intel 桌上型 CPU 位元 時脈 內顯 腳位 代號 製程 FSB 倍頻 核心/執行緒 L2快取 L3快取 電壓
Xeon X7560 64 2.26G no 1567 Nehalem-EX 32 6.4GT/s 17 8C / 16T 256K x 8 24M 1.35V
Xeon X7550 64 2.00G no 1567 Nehalem-EX 32 6.4GT/s 15 8C / 16T 256K x 8 18M 1.35V
Xeon X5680 64 3.33G no 1366 Nehalem-EX 32 6.4GT/s 25 6C / 12T 256K x 6 12M 1.30V
Xeon X5670 64 2.93G no 1366 Nehalem-EX 32 6.4GT/s 22 6C / 12T 256K x 6 12M 1.30V
Xeon X5660 64 2.80G no 1366 Nehalem-EX 32 5.86GT/s 21 6C / 12T 256K x 6 12M 1.30V
Xeon X5650 64 2.66G no 1366 Nehalem-EX 32 5.86GT/s 20 6C / 12T 256K x 6 12M 1.30V
Core i7 980X Extrem 64 3.33G (3.60G)* no 1366 Gulftow 32 6.4GT/s 25 6C / 12T 256K x 6 12MB 0.80-1.375V
Core i7 975 Extrem 64 3.33G (3.60G)* no 1366 Bloomfield 45 6.4GT/s 25 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.80-1.375V
Core i7 965 Extrem 64 3.20G (3.46G)* no 1366 Bloomfield 45 6.4GT/s 24 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.80-1.375V
Core i7 970 64 3.20G (3.46G)* no 1366 Bloomfield 45 4.8GT/s 24 6C / 12T 256K x 6 12MB 0.80-1.375V
Core i7 960 64 3.20G (3.46G)* no 1366 Bloomfield 45 4.8GT/s 24 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.80-1.375V
Core i7 950 64 3.06G (3.33G)* no 1366 Bloomfield 45 4.8GT/s 23 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.80-1.375V
Core i7 940 64 2.93G (3.20G)* no 1366 Bloomfield 45 4.8GT/s 22 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.80-1.375V
Core i7 930 64 2.80G (3.06G)* no 1366 Bloomfield 45 4.8GT/s 21 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.80-1.375V
Core i7 920 64 2.66G (2.93G)* no 1366 Bloomfield 45 4.8GT/s 20 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.80-1.375V
Core i7 2600K (不鎖頻) 64 3.40G (3.80G)* HD 3000 1155 Sandy Bridge 32 / 45 4.8GT/s 34~n 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i7 2600 64 3.40G (3.80G)* HD 2000 1155 Sandy Bridge 32 / 45 4.8GT/s 34 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i5 2500K (不鎖頻) 64 3.30G (3.70G)* HD 3000 1155 Sandy Bridge 32 / 45 4.8GT/s 33~n 4C / 4T 256K x 4 6MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i5 2500 64 3.30G (3.70G)* HD 2000 1155 Sandy Bridge 32 / 45 4.8GT/s 33 4C / 4T 256K x 4 6MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i5 2400 64 3.10G (3.40G)* HD 2000 1155 Sandy Bridge 32 / 45 4.8GT/s 31 4C / 4T 256K x 4 6MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i5 2300 64 2.80G (3.10G)* HD 2000 1155 Sandy Bridge 32 / 45 4.8GT/s 28 4C / 4T 256K x 4 6MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i7 875K (不鎖頻) 64 2.93G (3.60G)* no 1156 Lynnfield 45 2.5GT/s 22~n 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i7 870 64 2.93G (3.60G)* no 1156 Lynnfield 45 2.5GT/s 22 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i7 860 64 2.80G (3.46G)* no 1156 Lynnfield 45 2.5GT/s 21 4C / 8T 256K x 4 8MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i5 760 64 2.80G (3.46G)* no 1156 Lynnfield 45 2.5GT/s 21 4C / 4T 256K x 4 8MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i5 750 64 2.66G (3.20G)* no 1156 Lynnfield 45 2.5GT/s 20 4C / 4T 256K x 4 8MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i5 670 64 3.46G (3.73G)* HD Graphics 1156 Clarkdale 32 / 45 2.5GT/s 26 2C / 4T 256K x 2 4MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i5 661 64 3.33G (3.60G)* HD Graphics 1156 Clarkdale 32 / 45 2.5GT/s 25 2C / 4T 256K x 2 4MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i5 660 64 3.33G (3.60G)* HD Graphics 1156 Clarkdale 32 / 45 2.5GT/s 25 2C / 4T 256K x 2 4MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i5 655K (不鎖頻) 64 3.20G (3.46G)* HD Graphics 1156 Clarkdale 32 / 45 2.5GT/s 24~n 2C / 4T 256K x 2 4MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i5 650 64 3.20G (3.46G)* HD Graphics 1156 Clarkdale 32 / 45 2.5GT/s 24 2C / 4T 256K x 2 4MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i3 540 64 3.06G HD Graphics 1156 Clarkdale 32 / 45 2.5GT/s 23 2C / 4T 256K x 2 4MB 0.65V-1.400V
Core i3 530 64 2.93G HD Graphics 1156 Clarkdale 32 / 45 2.5GT/s 22 2C / 4T 256K x 2 4MB 0.65V-1.400V
Pentium G6950 64 2.8G HD Graphics 1156 Clarkdale 32 / 45 2.5GT/s 21 2C / 2T 256K x 2 3MB 0.65V-1.400V

*時脈後面"括弧"裡標示的為 Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology 此技術可使CPU為單核運作時自動提高的最高時脈
Intel 桌上型專用 CPU 位元 時脈 核心 腳位 代號 製程 FSB 倍頻 HT L2快取 L3快取 電壓
Xeon X3360 64 2.83G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 8.5 12M 1.212V
Xeon X3350 64 2.66G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 8 6M 1.212V
Xeon X3320 64 2.50G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 7.5 6M 1.212V
Xeon E3110 64 3.00G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1333 9 6M 0.956-1.225V
Core 2 Quad QX9775 64 3.2G 4 771 Yorkfield 45 1600 8 12M 1.212V
Core 2 Quad QX9770 64 3.2G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1600 8 12M 0.85-1.3625V
Core 2 Quad QX9650 64 3.0G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 9 12M 1.25V
Core 2 Quad Q9650 64 3.0G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 9 12M 0.85-1.3625V
Core 2 Quad Q9550 64 2.83G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 8.5 12M 1.25V
Core 2 Quad Q9450 64 2.66G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 8 12M 1.25V
Core 2 Quad Q9400 64 2.66G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 8 6M 1.25V
Core 2 Quad Q9300 64 2.50G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 7.5 6M 1.25V
Core 2 Quad Q8400 64 2.66G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 8 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Quad Q8300 64 2.5G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 7.5 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Quad Q8200 64 2.33G 4 775 Yorkfield 45 1333 7 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E8600 64 3.33G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1333 10 6M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E8500 64 3.16G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1333 9.5 6M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E8400 64 3.0G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1333 9 6M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E8300 64 2.83G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1333 8.5 6M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E8200 64 2.66G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1333 8 6M 1.25V
Core 2 Extreme QX6850 64 3.0G 4 775 Kentsfield 65 1333 9 8M 0.85-1.5V
Core 2 Quad QX6700 64 2.66G 4 775 Kentsfield 65 1066 10 8M 1.25V
Core 2 Quad Q6600 64 2.4G 4 775 Kentsfield 65 1066 9 8M 1.25V
Core 2 Quad Q6400 64 2.2G 4 775 Kentsfield 65 1066 8 8M 1.25V
Core 2 Extreme X6900 64 3.20G 2 775 Conroe XE 65 1333 9.5 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Extreme X6800 64 3.0G 2 775 Conroe XE 65 1333 9 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Extreme X6700 64 2.66G 2 775 Conroe XE 65 1333 8 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E7600 64 3.06G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1066 11.5 3M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E7500 64 2.93G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1066 11 3M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E7400 64 2.80G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1066 10.5 3M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E7300 64 2.66G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1066 10 3M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E7200 64 2.53G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1066 9.5 3M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E6800 64 3.33G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1066 12.5 2M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E6700 64 3.20G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1066 12 2M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E6600 64 3.06G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1066 11.5 2M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E6500 64 2.93G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1066 11 2M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E6300 64 2.80G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 1066 10.5 2M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E5400 64 2.70G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 800 13.5 2M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E5300 64 2.60G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 800 13 2M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E5200 64 2.50G 2 775 Wolfdale 45 800 12.5 2M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E6850 64 3.00G 2 775 Conroe 65 1333 9 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E6750 64 2.66G 2 775 Conroe 65 1333 8 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E6550 64 2.33G 2 775 Conroe 65 1333 7 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E6700 64 2.66G 2 775 Conroe 65 1066 10 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E6620 64 2.40G 2 775 Conroe 65 1066 9 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E6600 64 2.40G 2 775 Conroe 65 1066 9 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E6420 64 2.13G 2 775 Conroe 65 1066 8 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E6400 64 2.13G 2 775 Conroe 65 1066 8 2M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E6320 64 1.86G 2 775 Conroe 65 1066 7 4M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E6300 64 1.86G 2 775 Conroe 65 1066 7 2M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E4700 64 2.60G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 13 2M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E4600 64 2.40G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 12 2M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E4500 64 2.20G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 11 2M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E4400 64 2.00G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 10 2M 1.25V
Core 2 Dual E4300 64 1.80G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 9 2M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E2220 64 2.40G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 12 1M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E2200 64 2.20G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 11 1M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E2180 64 2.00G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 10 1M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E2160 64 1.80G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 9 1M 1.25V
Pentium Dual E2140 64 1.60G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 8 1M 1.25V
Celeron Dual E3300 64 2.5G 2 775 Allendale 45 800 12.5 1M 0.85-1.362V
Celeron Dual E3200 64 2.4G 2 775 Allendale 45 800 12 1M 0.85-1.362V
Celeron Dual E1600 64 2.4G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 12 512K 1.15V
Celeron Dual E1500 64 2.2G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 11 512K 1.15V
Celeron Dual E1400 64 2.0G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 10 512K 1.15V
Celeron Dual E1200 64 1.60G 2 775 Allendale 65 800 8 512K 1.15V
Celeron D 430 64 1.80G 1 775 Allendale 65 800 9 512K 1.15V
Celeron D 420 64 1.60G 1 775 Allendale 65 800 8 512K 1.15V
Pentium EE 965 64 3.73G 2 775 Presler 65 1066 14 2Mx2 1.33v
Pentium EE 955 64 3.46G 2 775 Presler 65 1066 13 2Mx2 1.33v
Pentium D 960 64 3.6G 2 775 Presler 65 800 18 2Mx2 1.33v
Pentium D 950 64 3.4G 2 775 Presler 65 800 17 2Mx2 1.33v
Pentium D 945 64 3.4G 2 775 Presler 65 800 17 2Mx2 1.33v
Pentium D 940 64 3.2G 2 775 Presler 65 800 16 2Mx2 1.33v
Pentium D 935 64 3.2G 2 775 Presler 65 800 16 2Mx2 1.33v
Pentium D 930 64 3.0G 2 775 Presler 65 800 15 2Mx2 1.33v
Pentium D 925 64 3.0G 2 775 Presler 65 800 15 2Mx2 1.33v
Pentium D 920 64 2.8G 2 775 Presler 65 800 14 2Mx2 1.33v
Pentium D 820 64 2.8G 2 775 SmithField 90 800 14 1Mx2 1.40v
Pentium D 805 64 2.6G 2 775 SmithField 90 533 20 1Mx2 1.40v
Pentium EE 840 64 3.2G 2 775 SmithField 90 800 16 1Mx2 1.40v
Pentium D 840 64 3.2G 2 775 SmithField 90 800 16 1Mx2 1.40v
Pentium D 830 64 3.0G 2 775 SmithField 90 800 15 1Mx2 1.40v
Pentium D 820 64 2.8G 2 775 SmithField 90 800 14 1Mx2 1.40v
Pentium 4 EE 3.73GHz 64 3.73G 2 775 Prescott 90 1066 14 2M 1.40v
Pentium 4 670 64 3.8G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 19 2M 1.40v
Pentium 4 660 64 3.6G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 18 2M 1.40v
Pentium 4 650 64 3.4G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 17 2M 1.40v
Pentium 4 640 64 3.2G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 16 2M 1.40v
Pentium 4 631 64 3.0G 1 775 CederMill 65 800 15 2M 1.33v
Pentium 4 630 64 3.0G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 15 2M 1.40v
Celeron D 356 64 3.33G 1 775 CedarMill 65 533 25 512k 1.40v
Celeron D 352 64 3.2G 1 775 CedarMill 65 533 24 512K 1.40v
Celeron D 347 64 3.06 1 775 CedarMill 65 533 23 512K 1.40v
Celeron D 355 64 3.33G 1 775 Prescott 90 533 25 256K 1.40v
Celeron D 351 64 3.2G 1 775 Prescott 90 533 24 256k 1.40v
Celeron D 346 64 2.93G 1 775 Prescott 90 533 22 256k 1.40v
Celeron D 341 64 2.93G 1 775 Prescott 90 533 22 256k 1.40v
Celeron D 336 64 2.8G 1 775 Prescott 90 533 21 256k 1.40v
Celeron D 331 64 2.66G 1 775 Prescott 90 533 20 256k 1.40v
Celeron D 326 64 2.53G 1 775 Prescott 90 533 19 256k 1.40v
Pentium 4 571 64 3.8G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 19 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 561 64 3.6G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 18 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 551 64 3.4G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 17 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 541 64 3.2G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 16 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 531 64 3.0G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 15 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 521 64 2.8G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 14 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 EE 3.46GHz 32 3.46G 1 775 Gallatin 130 1066 13 512k 1.40v
Pentium 4 EE 3.40GHz 32 3.40G 1 775 Gallatin 130 800 17 512k 1.40v
Pentium 4 570J 32 3.8G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 19 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 560 32 3.6G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 18 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 550 32 3.4G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 17 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 540 32 3.2G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 16 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 530 32 3.0G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 15 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 520 32 2.8G 1 775 Prescott 90 800 14 1M 1.40v
Pentium 4 EE 3.40GHz 32 3.40G 1 478 NorthWood 130 800 17 512K 1.57v
Pentium 4 EE 3.20GHz 32 3.20G 1 1478 NorthWood 130 800 16 512K 1.57v

Intel 筆記型專用 CPU 位元 時脈 核心 腳位 代號 製程 FSB 倍頻 VT L2快取 TDP(W) 電壓
Core 2 Quad Q9200 64 2.40G 4 P Penryn 45 1066 9 6M x2 45
Core 2 Quad Q9100 64 2.26G 4 P Penryn 45 1066 8.5 6M x2 45
Core 2 Quad Q9000 64 2.00G 4 P Penryn 45 1066 7.5 6M 45 1.05-1.175v
Core 2 Duo SU9600 64 1.60G 2 BGA6 Penryn 45 800 8 3M x2 10 1.05-1.15v
Core 2 Duo SU9400 64 1.40G 2 BGA6 Penryn 45 800 7 3M 10 1.05-1.15v
Core 2 Duo SU9300 64 1.20G 2 BGA6 Penryn 45 800 6 3M 10 1.05-1.15v
Core 2 Duo SL9400 64 1.80G 2 P Penryn 45 1066 7 6M 17 1.05-1.15v
Core 2 Duo SL9300 64 1.60G 2 P Penryn 45 1066 6 6M 17 1.05-1.15v
Core 2 Duo SP9400 64 2.40G 2 BGA6 Penryn 45 1066 9 6M 25 1.05-1.15v
Core 2 Duo SP9300 64 2.26G 2 BGA6 Penryn 45 1066 8.5 6M 25 1.05-1.15v
Core 2 Duo P9500 64 2.53G 2 P Penryn 45 1066 9.5 6M 25 1.05-1.62v
Core 2 Duo P8600 64 2.40G 2 P Penryn 45 1066 9 3M 25 >
Core 2 Duo P8400 64 2.26G 2 P Penryn 45 1066 8.5 3M 25 1.0-1.25v
Core 2 Duo P7350 64 2.00G 2 P Penryn 45 1066 7.5 3M 25 1.0-1.25v
Core 2 Duo T9600 64 2.80G 2 P Penryn 45 1066 10.5 6M 35 1.0-1.25v
Core 2 Duo T9400 64 2.53G 2 P Penryn 45 1066 9.5 6M 35 1.0-1.25v
Core 2 Duo T9500 64 2.60G 2 P Penryn 45 800 13 6M 35 1.0-1.25v
Core 2 Duo T9300 64 2.50G 2 P Penryn 45 800 12.5 6M 35 1.0-1.25v
Core 2 Duo T8300 64 2.40G 2 P Penryn 45 800 12 3M 35 1.0-1.25v
Core 2 Duo T8100 64 2.10G 2 P Penryn 45 800 10.5 3M 35 1.0-1.25v
Core 2 Duo T7800 64 2.60G 2 P Merom 65 800 13 4M 34 0.762-1.3v
Core 2 Duo T7700 64 2.40G 2 P Merom 65 800 12 4M 34 0.762-1.3v
Core 2 Duo T7500 64 2.20G 2 P Merom 65 800 11 4M 34 0.762-1.3v
Core 2 Duo T7300 64 2.00G 2 P Merom 65 800 10 4M 34 0.762-1.3v
Core 2 Duo T7100 64 1.80G 2 P Merom 65 800 9 2M 34 0.762-1.3v
Core 2 Duo T7600 64 2.33G 2 M Merom 65 667 14 4M 34 0.762-1.3v
Core 2 Duo T7400 64 2.16G 2 M Merom 65 667 13 4M 34 0.762-1.3v
Core 2 Duo T7200 64 2.00G 2 M Merom 65 667 12 4M 34 0.762-1.3v
Core 2 Duo T5600 64 1.83G 2 M Merom 65 667 11 2M 34 0.762-1.3v
Core 2 Duo T5500 64 1.67G 2 M Merom 65 667 10 2M 34 0.762-1.3v
Core 2 Duo T5200 64 1.60G 2 M Merom 65 533 12 2M 34 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo U2500 32 1.20G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 533 9 2M 9 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo U2400 32 1.06G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 667 8 2M 9 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo L2500 32 1.83G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 667 11 2M 13.1-15 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo L2400 32 1.66G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 667 10 2M 13.1-15 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo L2300 32 1.50G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 667 9 2M 13.1-15 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo T2700 32 2.33G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 667 14 2M 13.1-31 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo T2600 32 2.16G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 667 13 2M 13.1-31 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo T2500 32 2.00G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 667 12 2M 13.1-31 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo T2400 32 1.83G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 667 11 2M 13.1-31 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo T2300 32 1.66G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 667 10 2M 13.1-31 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo T2250 32 1.73G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 533 13 2M 13.1-31 0.762-1.3v
Core Duo T2050 32 1.60G 2 BGA6 Yonah 65 533 12 2M 13.1-31 0.762-1.3v
Core Solo T1600 32 2.16G 1 M Yonah 65 667 13 2M 13.1-27 0.762-1.3v
Core Solo T1500 32 2.00G 1 M Yonah 65 667 12 2M 13.1-27 0.762-1.3v
Core Solo T1400 32 1.83G 1 M Yonah 65 667 11 2M 13.1-27 0.762-1.3v
Core Solo T1350 32 1.86G 1 M Yonah 65 533 14 2M 13.1-27 0.762-1.3v
Core Solo T1300 32 1.66G 1 M Yonah 65 667 10 2M 13.1-27 0.762-1.3v
Core Solo T1200 32 1.50G 1 M Yonah 65 667 9 2M 13.1-27 0.762-1.3v

★"AMD(R)"及"Intel(R)"標誌均為AMD美商超微 及 Intel英特爾公司所有:以上數據如有錯誤 以原廠公佈為依據★
光華門市:台北市市民大道3段8號2樓55.56室 TEL:(05)2232028 #116
八德一店:台北市八德路一段96號 TEL:(02)23972669 #113
八德二店:台北市八德路一段82巷6號1樓 TEL:(02)23972669 #118
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